Like its cocktail cousins, the White Russian and Black Russian, our Pink Russian is a vodka-based cocktail. Instead of adding a coffee-based liqueur like Kahlua, ours features our Strawberry Swoon Tea Mixer.
The result? A delightfully happy blend of tea mixer, milk and vodka, shaken and topped with edible flowers for an extra flourish. For a further floral twist, you can add 2 drops of rose essence.
- 50ml Strawberry Swoon Tea Mixer
- 30ml Vodka
- 170ml milk or mylk
- 2 strawberries (muddled)
- Edible flowers (optional)
- Muddle (crush) strawberries in a cocktail shaker
- Add Ice cubes to shaker
- Add in Strawberry Swoon and Vodka
- Top with milk or mylk of choice
- Strain into glass
- Garnish with edible flowers and enjoy